The Rugby Ohio PR & Comms Committee meets the first Thursday of each month to discuss how we are communicating with our Rugby Ohio community through events, email campaigns and digital programming.
The Rugby Ohio Board of Directors will meet in-person to review fall season programming. Board members will be contacted at a later date with event details and location information.
Join The Ohio State University Women’s Rugby Club for a Rugby Skills Camp Saturday, August 14, 2021 9am - 4:30pm This camp is designed for girls ages 6th grade through 12th grade. All girls must register for the event and the cost is $45 per player. Please ensure your bring proper equipment and supplies. […]
The Rugby Ohio coaches meet the third Monday of every month to share updates and best practices on team recruitment, competitions and more. This meeting is held online via Zoom. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 958 2098 4067 Passcode: 152950 One tap mobile +19292056099,,95820984067# US (New York) +13017158592,,95820984067# US (Washington DC)
2021 Fall 7s Registration Fall 7s Registration will open Thursday, September 1, 2021 for all High School and Middle School teams. We want to keep to the traditions of the previous seasons while still recognizing the need for flexibility as we learn to operate in an environment where COVID-19 remains a consideration. Fall Season Details Each […]
The Rugby Ohio PR & Comms Committee meets the first Thursday of each month to discuss how we are communicating with our Rugby Ohio community through events, email campaigns and digital programming.