Introduction to Refereeing
These 3 hour courses are Zoom sessions with content presented live, involving interaction between participants and the presenters. The courses are for:
- Individuals who specifically want to become referees, or are considering becoming a referee.
- Players who are in areas unable to train due to COVID, and and are keen to learn more about the Laws and refereeing.
- People in areas that cannot hold L1 Referee courses yet due to COVID, who want to begin their refereeing journey.
- Parents or spectators who want to know more about the Laws of the game.
This course is not the L1 Referee Course and does not result in L1 Referee Certification. This course:
- Allows member to act as Touch Judge (not Assistant Referee)
- Allows member to act as a Referee for a non-contact game, or to referee a B-side / development game under direct supervision of a Level 1 or higher Referee. (Before refereeing, you will also need to be compliant with the US Center for SafeSport’s requirements.)
The cost per session is $20
Registration available at https://tickets.usarugby.org